Travelling Mum – Update: March 2007

Mum came through Japan in February enroute back to Oz for a few weeks to tidy up a few family and personal items, get another visa and head back to India.  She looked tiny and was probably too thin but she was as bright as a button and ready to go back as soon as she could.   She did the battery of health checks and  apart from needing a bit more meat on the bones, the doctors are pretty much unanimous that whatever she is doing, keep doing it!

So at 76, she lives by herself in a distant land in very basic condtions, will likely as not jump in the back of a truck to go to some even more basic place just to see it and because she is invited.  A lesson to us all that geting older doesn’t mean getting complacent.

I’m scolding her to write more.

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Feeling the Pangs of Mortality

It really is April 2007 but have been busy with other things so will backdate this to fill in the blanks.

Luck would have it that we managed to get a few days off and a cheap ticket back to Oz for a few days.  Lucky we did!

I grew up in North Queensland where it was as hot as Hades most of the year and nobody but station people and people wishing to be labelled as ‘pooftas’ wore any kind of head gear.

What that meant was that the sun was crisping our skin cells from a very young age.  The net result is that Australia has the highest incidence of skin cancer in the world by a significant margin.

In the last twenty years, lots of publicity has made the general public away of this issue and skin specialists are a thriving profession.  The disease is so widespread that most General Practitioners have cyclinder of liquid nitrogen beside the desk to give a patient a quick zap if needed.  Neither party think this is strange at all.   Most GP’s err on the side of caution as well so a significant number of potential nasty lumps and bumps are stopped in their tracks.

I’m about average.  I already have had a couple of spots removed from my face.  In the good old days, this usually meant surgery and skin grafts as they don’t fool around when they excise a spot (see below).  Thanks to the wonders of science there is now a cream that if caught early enough negates the need of surgery.  I’ve used the cream three times now.  It makes the area look like raw hamburger meat and for about three weeks it feels like someone is constantly pricking you with needles but the final result is a no more cancer in that area AND without surgery or skingrafts.

Every trip back to Oz,  I make it a point to visit my skin doctor to give me that once over.  This time, there was a ‘don’t like the look of that, lie down, snip’, a call a few hours later, come back and some surgery to remove something the size of a pin head from my chest.

Now here is the scary part, it was the size of a head of a pin on my chest which meant I probably saw it every day in the bath/shower, and it was well on the way to becoming the reason I would be in a coffin if untreated.  Shock!

Remember the size was about pinhead size, the scar is now about 10cm (4 inches) long and the piece cut out was the size of an elongated eye.  They don’t fool around when then excise something.  Here’s a hint – see your skin doctor once a year if you are an adult Australian.

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Summer European Tour 2006

Late last year, we had been invited to spend a week or so with a good friend and his family who was planning to rent a villa in Tuscany, Italy in the summer of 2006.  For various reasons that fell through but we had set in motion the prospect of a European holiday with Tuscany being the centre piece of the trip.

Shorty had never been to Europe and my trips to Europe had been usually business-focussed or for short specific purposes.  Neither had done the ‘tourist circuit’ that these days seems to completed before you are 25 and with a backpack.  When Tuscany fell through we nearly shelved the whole idea but tickets were tentatively booked and Shorty had already purchased a small library of the ‘what to do, see, eat variety’ so we rethought the trip and went.

We saw a lot and I mean a lot, but we never felt we were rushed.  The weather was absolutely, unbelievably glorious.  Hot and sunny without clouds or rain day after day.  We returned with a tan more likely to have been obtained from a trip to Hawaii than London/Paris/Northern Italy.  Half our clothes never left our suitcase as t-shirts and shorts/slacks were the only comfortable clothing.

A busy few weeks of almost daily highlights that are hard to separate any specifically above the rest but here are some in rough chronological order not importance: – Watching jubilant Italians taking over Trafalgar Square in London after Italy won the Football (Soccer) World Cup – A visit to Mont St Michel – Le Louvre (Egyptian rooms) – Watching the Bastille Day Parade on the Champs d’Elysees – Versailles – Trout in a small Parisian sidewalk cafe – A beach in Nice to chill out – A Russian Orthodox Church in Nice – Milan Duomo – Venice Piazza San Marco in the evenings with live music – A mozzarella restaurant in Rome – Rome Palatine

There weren’t many downsides: – Venice (see it once, never go back) – beggars in Italy and a terrible 1 star Michelin resturant with a Japanese chef that combined the worst of 2 cultures.

And if you ever go to Europe, there is one place you cannot miss – Duomo in Milan.  Absolutely, totally, breathtaking.  After that adjectives and superlatives fail….

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11. Postcard Dated 14 June 2005

A picture of Gulmarg in Kashmir.  Have just returned and saw the best and worst of it.  Gulmarg has the highest golf course on the world and the Club is almost ‘Raj’. I miss our Sunday talks. At present more than ever for I would dearly love to live here and need to talk it out. Love


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Sometimes the past catches up with you (Take 2)

The internet is certainly proving the place to find long-lost contacts.  Over the last six months, I have been visited by friends that have fallen by the wayside due to all the usual reasons of our modern age – too busy, too etc.

Both friends stem from another life where I was passionate about cars, namely Citroen.  Cars seem to be a rite of passage for Australians and I spent about ten years collecting anything Citroen and being actively involved in a car club.  My first trip to Europe was even Citroen-related to attend a Friends of 2CV Rally in Denmark in 1979 but I digress.

One friend I have already mentioned in a previous entry.  The other friend really indicates how small the world is getting.  He has moved back to Sweden though I met him when he was living/working in England.   He was visiting family in Japan and had managed to track me down so we caught upon the news as he and his partner saw the sights of Tokyo.

It occurs to me that true friends are such a part of the fabric of your life that they never fade away, just sometimes get relegated to the background for short or sometimes extended periods.

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Finally! Rugby Sevens Hong Kong

Hong Kong Rugby Sevens has been one of those ‘I should see but never seem to remember each year until it is over’  events in life.  Finally, as it came up in a conversation with a friend before the event and it was an easy sell to Shorty (birthday celebration in Hong Kong this year, dear?  Oh, and by the way there is a rugby tournament on…), we went this year which just happened to be the 30th Anniversary year.

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Travelling Mum Email Dated February 20th 2006

Have left all my (email) addresses at home and cannot bring them up on the computer although they are on the one at home. So will you please let the mob know.  I will soon start my epistles but that takes time.

The weather is warm. Still cool at night.  Similar to Tokyo on those good days that I was there. Snow did not fall in McLeod this winter which has made for a very empty dam. I have had no water in the room for 3 days. The boys are bringing it up to me from a well, but that is getting low.  It can be bought but the landlod is too mean. Have to be very innovative about toiletting! I had a slight cold on arrival but I am becoming a convert to Ayurvedic medicine which cleared it in 12 hours with no after coughs etc. I am not eating chicken nor eggs so do not worry about the virus that has just reached India.

I am looking for a house in Dharamsala. Water conditions are better there . There will be inconveniences there too, but I have tried the mountain and want to live in another area to make a final decision. I still love it here and feel very at home. The queue is lengthening so with lots of love I will end this.


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But is it art?


How did these start and at what point, did they give up and just keep adding rather than tidying up?


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Travelling Mum Update – February 2006

The letters from Travelling Mum have been a little quiet.  The reason for this is that Mum went back to Australia in October last year as her visa had expired as she needed to address some family & health issues.

The good news (?) is that she called through Tokyo recently enroute to another sojourn in India.  She is 75 and I hope I am as full of life as she is when I get that age.  She is going back this time to see if a return spoils the idea she has that this is the place to spend her final years.

Whilst in Australia, she did the usual Doctor visits.  She had the unfortunate luck to wake up blind in one eye a few years ago (the doctors are still not really sure why) so seeing the eye doctor was a high priority.  Almost without exception, the various doctors reduced their prescribed medication and said ‘Whatever you are doing, keep doing it!’.  So, as I write this, she is in a car somewhere between Delhi and Dharamsala which, by the way is a twelve hour trek.  She already has some plans to travel a little more through India and surrounds so hopefully, the letters will begin again.

As I said when I started this – Gutsy and am proud of her.

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Nagano suddenly got white! 2005

After a couple of week-ends busy in Tokyo, we got away to the Nagano house.  As we crossed the hills from Tokyo to Nagano, the snow started.  It didn’t stop and we finally got out of it as we crossed the hills back to Tokyo on the Sunday night.  The skies dropped 10-15cm of snow whilst we were there and it made for an entertaining slide/drive down the hill from the house as we were leaving.   Last year was one of the heaviest snowfalls in twenty plus year so the pundits were saying that this year would be lighter.  That has yet to be proven but it certainly arrived early. A good relaxing week-end though arriving to a freezing house is less than fun for the first few hours.  Once the fires had done their job, inside was relaxed T-shirt dress code whilst we could watch the snow fall as below shows.  What a difference from three weeks ago!

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